Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary


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Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary

Preaching Year C

You’ve heard what the lectionary texts meant; now learn what they mean today.

The Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary gets straight to the point of the Revised Common Lectionary: to allow God’s people to encounter the meaning of Scripture through the Word read and proclaimed. For each Sunday or occasion, a homiletician and a theologian have collaborated on commentary that will help preachers create substantive and life-changing sermons.

Designed to focus on the deep meaning of the biblical text, and the questions it raises for life as a Christian in the modern world, the Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary begins with the conviction that Scripture speaks first and foremost to Christians now. While informed by the best in biblical studies, its commentary on the Scripture passages of the Revised Common Lectionary engages Christian belief and action in the present day.

The commentary for each Sunday contains:

  • An overview of the four readings, as well as a brief encapsulation of a homiletical theme or point.
  • A longer theological reflection on the main issues of Christian life and belief raised by that Sunday’s four readings.
  • A concluding section on the pastoral implications of the text, including suggestions for the texts’ impact on the congregation’s mission to the community and the world.

The Abingdon Theological Companion to the Lectionary will help the preacher to think deeply about the meaning of Scripture and communicate to worshipers the power of Scripture in their daily lives.

