Converge Bible Studies: Perplexing Scriptures


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Converge Bible Studies: Perplexing Scriptures

Author: Josh Tinley

Converge is where life and faith come together.

Christian communities, with a few exceptions, consider the canon of Scripture closed. There’s no process for adding or removing books from our Bibles. Even so, we end up creating our own canons, whether intentionally or unintentionally. There are certain texts that come up frequently in worship or in the youth room or in the children’s Sunday school wing. And there are certain texts that we never read in worship or Sunday school. Perplexing Scriptures examines some of these passages. This study may raise more questions than it answers; but as you work through each session, you will begin to see how God’s love and grace are at work, even in the most troubling texts.

Converge Bible Studies is a series of topical Bible studies based on the Common English Bible. Each title in the series consists of four studies on a common topic or theme. Converge can be used by small groups, classes, or individuals. Primary Scripture passages are included for ease of study, as are questions designed to encourage both personal reflection and group conversation. The topics and Scriptures in Converge come together to transform readers’ relationships with others, themselves, and God.

About the Author

Josh Tinley is a high school math teacher who spent ten years as editor of youth curriculum at The United Methodist Publishing House. He is the managing editor of LinC, a weekly electronic curriculum for youth, and is the author of Book of Fidgets; Kneeling in the End Zone: Spiritual Lessons From the World of Sports; and numerous articles and curriculum pieces. Josh lives outside of Nashville with his wife and three children.

