Gift and Award Bible Boys Edition


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Gift and Award Bible Boys Edition

Ages: Boy 5 to 12

Font Size: 7 point

Special occasions call for the gift of God’s Word.

The reasonably priced Gift & Award Bible makes special-occasion gifts and bulk purchases easy. With a cool shield design for boys, this full-text International Children’s Bible® features maps and a dedication page, making it a perfect presentation for baptism, confirmation, graduations, Vacation Bible School, and other gift-giving occasions.

Give the gift of God’s Word, and commemorate special moments in a child’s life.

International Children’s Bible® (ICB®) is the first version of the Bible translated specifically for children!

What could be more important than giving your children a Bible they can read and understand during their formative years? Bible reading can be challenging for children; even modern translations often include difficult words such as oracle, sanctify, and redeem. But the ICB® make Bible reading simple and GOD’s Word understandable even for young children.

ICB® Features:

  • ICB® is not a storybook or a paraphrased Bible
  • It is a translations of GOD’s Word from the original Hebrew and Greek languages
  • ICB® is the Bible kids can read and understand!
  • ICB® is the first version of the Bible translated specifically for children
  • ICB® is ideal for home study, as well as for Sunday school, promotions, and other gift-giving occasions for the church, creating the perfect way to put GOD’s Word into your hearts
  • Comprehension of the ICB® requires only a third grad reading level
  • More than 21 trusted Bible scholars and translators were involved in the creation of the ICB®. (Many of these same experts assisted with NKJV and NIV)
  • ICB® is a dynamic equivalent (through-for-thought) translation of the Bible


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