Good Friday Bulletin What Wonderous Love (Package of 50)


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Good Friday Bulletin What Wonderous Love (Package of 50)

Cover Text:

What Wondrous Love*

The words of the powerful hymn “What Wondrous Love Is This” and the image of a crown of thorns with drops of blood remind those in worship of the sacrifice made. Good Friday worship is the time to meditate on the passion of Jesus Christ. The words and image provide a powerful visual around which to build a service.

* “What Wondrous Love Is This”

Words & Music: USA folk hymn

Product Information:

The bulletin features a colorful design on the front cover with a blank inside & back cover and lend an artistic touch and inspirational message to a church’s communication. Works with all printers and copiers.

Regular Size Bulletin is 8.5 x 11 unfolded, and 5.5 x 8.5 folded.

*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.