Holy Communion
Author: Kenneth M. Loyer
Celebrating God with Us
Experience God in the here and now through Communion.
This book explores how celebrating the presence of God With Us through Holy Communion nourishes our souls, refreshes our sense of community, and equips us for mission in Christ’s name. Yet many Christians do not understand Communion or see it only as an empty ritual. Because of that, low worship attendance or enthusiasm commonly accompanies Communion Sundays—leaving churches feeling spiritually depleted. This book provides insights and practical suggestions for giving this sacrament a more prominent role, not just in church life, but in the Christian formation of individuals.
For small groups, Sunday school classes, and as a preaching resource, Holy Communion: Celebrating God with Us by Kenneth M. Loyer and general editor William H. Willimon is suitable for a four-week study and includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
The Belief Matters series assists pastors and clergy in explaining fundamental elements of the church and its worship to congregations. Holy Communion is the second in the series and follows Incarnation by William H. Willimon.
About the Author
Kenneth M. Loyer is pastor of Otterbein United Methodist Church of Spry, York, Pennsylvania. He holds a Ph.D. in Theology from Southern Methodist University, in Dallas, Texas where he was a winner of a number of prestigious awards including the John Wesley Fellowship and Dempster Fellowship. He has an M.Div. from Duke and is an ordained elder in The United Methodist Church and a member of the World Methodist Council. He is an assistant editor of Wesley and Methodist Studies and teaches Theology and Methodist Studies as an adjunct professor at United and Wesley Theological Seminaries. He lives in York, Pennsylvania.
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