Meeting Brother Roger of Taize 2 DVD set
by Taizé,
Brother Roger tells the story of Taizé and his own life. In a simple room near a modest fire, the late Brother Roger, whose kind eyes reflect his love of Christ, begins the tale of his extraordinary life and the rise of the Taizé Community. As the tale unfolds, you are transported through the picturesque countryside of Taizé, France, with its rustic buildings, babbling brook, and incredible landscape. Interspersed with this intriguing narrative are vignettes of Taizé prayer accompanied by the popular, spirit-filled music that inspires peace of heart. This riveting two-DVD set is dubbed in eight different languages and provides more than an hour and a half of captivating insights from this serene man of God – his philosophies, his beliefs, his passion, and his uncompromising faith. This story recounts in detail his humble beginnings, his journey toward monastic life, and his desire to create a community that would become a radiating epicenter of peace, love, and understanding. Today the Taizé Community experiences in ever greater numbers a constant stream of pilgrims, mostly youths, who travel from all over the world to encounter and be enlightened by this pure and intoxicating form of prayer. After experiencing Meeting Brother Roger of Taizé for yourself, you too will be transformed.
Released 2006
*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.
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