NIV Reference Bible | Giant Print



NIV Reference Bible | Giant Print

Font size: 14 point

A winning combination of readability and references. Reading God’s Word is more enjoyable than ever with this Bible’s generous 14-point type. Easy on your eyes with an end-of-paragraph reference system, full-color maps, and a dictionary/concordance, the NIV Giant Print Reference Bible strengthens your study time and brings the Word of God into focus.


“For those of us who are getting on in years and need a larger print to make reading a pleasure again, this is the Bible to buy. The print is both large and bold, making it easy to read for longer periods of time. I highly recommend this product.”

“Excellent 14-point type version of the NIV—the giant print is definitely bigger and better than large print. This perfect study Bible is the size of a standard textbook, and the layout is the same as a standard reference Bible. The perfect combination to avoid tired eyes if you spend a lot of time reading it. Two thumbs up!”
