Nuestra Fe


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Nuestra Fe

Author: Justo L. González, Gonzalez, Ondina Ester

A Latin American Church History Sourcebook

Take a detailed look into the deep and rich history of Christianity in Latin America.

Spanning more than 500 years, this illustrated book covers the rich history of Christianity in Latin America. The authors use an analytical framework as they describe the institutional religious history for the period covered in that chapter, providing the context to look at other concurrent though non-institutional developments within Christianity. Each section includes sources that look at the way Christianity manifested and continues to manifest itself in the life of Latin American society, including its women, its enslaved and indigenous populations, and the modern-day marginalized sectors.

About the Authors

Justo L. González has taught at the Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico and Candler School of Theology, Emory University. He is the author of many books, including Church History: An Essential Guide and To All Nations From All Nations.

Justo L. González es un ampliamente leído y respetado historiador y teólogo. Es el autor de numerosas obras que incluyen tres volúmenes de su Historia del Pensamiento Cristiano, la colección de Tres Meses en la Escuela de… (Mateo… Juan… Patmos… Prisión… Espíritu), Breve Historia de las Doctrinas Cristianas y El ministerio de la palabra escrita.

Ondina E. González is an independent scholar who has been a visiting professor at Agnes Scott College and Emory University.

