Our Lady of Lourdes Prayer Card with Medal


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Our Lady of Lourdes Prayer Card with Medal

Our Lady of Lourdes

We trust in your maternal concern. Blessed Mary, our model, may you be a constant source of inspiration in our practice of the Christian life. In this world, too often marked by doubt and violence, guide our uncertain steps, see our fears, present to your Holy Son Jesus our hopes and needs, implore His mercy upon us. You, our Mother, show us the path to saintliness and help us live our lives as faithful witnesses to the word of God. Amen

Prayer cards are available in the following languages:

SKU: PUB0020-1 English – Our Lady of Lourdes

SKU: PUB0020-2 French – ND de Lourdes

SKU: PUB0020-3 Spanish – Virgen de Lourdes

Card Size: 3 5/8” x 2 1/8”

*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.