Psalms for the Church Year Volume 2 CD


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Psalms for the Church Year Volume 2 CD

by: Marty Haugen

As with Volume One, this collection “bridges the gap” and can be utilized by both traditional and contemporary choirs, or easily performed with only cantor and assembly.

Marty Haugen has carefully chosen those psalms most commonly used in the Sunday Lectionary that were not included in the first volume, and provides settings for RCIA, baptism, confirmation, penance, marriage, anointing of the sick and funerals.

An index is included that lists all applicable settings from both volumes for the three cycles of the church year as well as the rites of the Church. Reprintable refrains for assemblies are included.


  1. Psalm 33: Let Your Mercy Be on Us/The Earth Is Full – Marty Haugen, 2:46
  2. Psalm 16: You Will Show Me the Path of Life – Marty Haugen, 3:07
  3. Psalm 80, 85, Luke 1: Lord, Make Us Turn to You – Marty Haugen, 2:58
  4. Psalm 126: God Has Done Great Things – Marty Haugen, 3:35
  5. Psalm 40: Here Am I, O God – Marty Haugen, 2:54
  6. Psalm 128: Blest Are Those Who Love You – Marty Haugen, 2:20
  7. Psalm 96: Today Is Born Our Savior – Marty Haugen, 2:16
  8. Psalm 42, 43: Like a Deer That Longs – Marty Haugen, 2:46
  9. Psalm 23: Shepherd Me, O God – Marty Haugen, 4:28
  10. Isaiah 12: With Joy You Shall Draw Water – Marty Haugen, 2:26
  11. Psalm 146, 147: Bless the Lord, My Soul/Lord, Come and Save Us – Marty Haugen, 2:46
  12. Luke 1: My Soul Proclaims – Marty Haugen, 2:41
  13. Exodus 15: I Will Sing to My God – Marty Haugen, 1:52
  14. Forever I Will Sing – Marty Haugen, 3:06


*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.