So Close Kol Kach Karov CD Ruth Fazal


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So Close Kol Kach Karov CD Ruth Fazal


  1. Adonai, ma’on atah (In All Generations)
  2. Kol, kol yamei ashir (All My Days I Will Sing)
  3. Elohai atah machsi (Your Loving Kindness)
  4. Kama she’anu ohavim otcha (How We Love You)
  5. Libi maleh (My Heart Is Full)
  6. Atah Elohim tzuri (Your Are GOD My Rock)
  7. Adonai, lo gava libi (LORD, My Heart Is Not Proud)
  8. Hish-tachavu la-Adonai (In The Beauty Of Holiness)
  9. Tov le-hodot la’Adonai (It’s Good To Give Thanks To The LORD)
  10. Kol kach karov elayi atah (Your Are So Close To Me)
  11. Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim (Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem)

Released Dec 2015

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