So Close Kol Kach Karov CD Ruth Fazal
- Adonai, ma’on atah (In All Generations)
- Kol, kol yamei ashir (All My Days I Will Sing)
- Elohai atah machsi (Your Loving Kindness)
- Kama she’anu ohavim otcha (How We Love You)
- Libi maleh (My Heart Is Full)
- Atah Elohim tzuri (Your Are GOD My Rock)
- Adonai, lo gava libi (LORD, My Heart Is Not Proud)
- Hish-tachavu la-Adonai (In The Beauty Of Holiness)
- Tov le-hodot la’Adonai (It’s Good To Give Thanks To The LORD)
- Kol kach karov elayi atah (Your Are So Close To Me)
- Sha’alu shalom Yerushalayim (Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem)
Released Dec 2015
*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.
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