St. Anthony Prayer Card with Medal


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St. Anthony Prayer Card with Medal

Saint Anthony

O St. Anthony, gentlest of all Saints, your love of God and His creatures made you worthy, on this earth, to possess miraculous powers.

I implore you to intercede in my favor. Whisper my request to the ears of sweet Infant Jesus, who loved to be held in your arms… (express your request) O St. Anthony, Saint of Miracles, whose heart was filled with compassion, please answer my prayer and I will be forever grateful. Amen

Prayer cards are available in the following languages:

SKU: PUB0012-1 English – St. Anthony

SKU: PUB0012-2 French – Saint-Antoine

SKU: PUB0012-3 Spanish – San Antonio

Card Size: 3 5/8” x 2 1/8”

*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.