That You May Have Life CD


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That You May Have Life CD

by: Marty Haugen

Musical Stories from the Gospel of John

Marty Haugen’s musical, That You May Have Life, proclaims the Gospel of John through song. An eclectic array of musical styles sets the stage for each chapter, bringing the emotion of the characters to life. Musical selections range from beautiful melodic ballads to lush choral harmonies. Haugen incorporates narration, sung dialogue, and song in a way that conveys more than just the biblical texts. This musical includes such familiar narratives as the woman at the well, the raising of Lazarus, and the washing of the feet at the Last Supper. The depth and breadth of each tale blooms forth, enticing us into a personal relationship with these familiar biblical figures. That You May Have Life sings these stories “that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah and that through believing you may have life in his name.”


  1. Prologue – Marty Haugen, 4:31
  2. Nicodemus – Marty Haugen, 6:30
  3. The Woman At the Well – Marty Haugen, 7:04
  4. The Man Born Blind – Marty Haugen, 10:54
  5. Mary, Martha & Lazarus – Marty Haugen, 6:47
  6. The Last Supper – Marty Haugen, 5:14
  7. The Passion – Marty Haugen, 6:00
  8. The Resurrection – Marty Haugen, 6:02

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