The Eighth Kingdom


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The Eighth Kingdom

Author: Perry Stone

Around the world, many sense a foreboding that current events are setting the stage for end-times events to unfold. Why is there so much global upheaval on so many levels? Where is the world heading? Why are terrorist activities and other threats continuing to increase? In this informative and prophetically stirring book, Stone answers these questions and more as he details a large-scale picture of what will occur in the time of the end. Perry Stone identifies: The six major empires that have risen on the world scene and then faded into the fog of history The seventh empire that exists for a short period, followed by the eighth and final empire, identified as the kingdom of the beast The link between biblical prophecies and Islamic traditions that point to the rise of this coming eighth kingdom and a final global dictator who will seize the world Perry Stone is recognized worldwide as an authoritative teacher of Bible prophecy. This book will make a great addition to the lineup of books we are releasing to meet the current market demand on end-time prophecy.



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