The Great Physician’s Rx for 7 Weeks of Wellness Success Guide


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The Great Physician’s Rx for 7 Weeks of Wellness Success Guide

Author: Jordan Rubin

Expanding beyond the solely nutritionally based information in his former book, The Maker’s Diet, Jordan Rubin will take readers through a comprehensive look at their body and their health in The Great Physician’s Rx for Health and Wellness Study Guide. In this study guide, Rubin will walk readers through 7 Keys to achieve good daily health habits-not only for the disease-ridden, but also for anyone desiring to live an abundant life of health and wellness.

About the Author:

Jordan Rubin is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Maker’s Diet with over 2 million copies in print. His story and his previous books have been featured on Good Morning America, NBC Nightly News, Fox and Friends, and Inside Edition, and in USA Today, Time, and Newsweek. Jordan also founded the Biblical Health Institute to empower the church to live the abundant life that glorifies God.



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