The Great Physician’s Rx for High Cholesterol


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The Great Physician’s Rx for High Cholesterol

Authors: Jordan Rubin, Joseph Brasco, M.D.

More and more often doctors are telling their patients their bad cholesterol levels are unacceptably high. Jordan Rubin, with Joseph Brasco, MD, believes people should regard that information as they view a red “Engine Warning” light on the dashboard of their cars. Signs of high cholesterol are a warning light for serious future health problems: gallstones, high blood pressure, impotence, heart disease, and stroke.

In The Great Physician’s Rx for High Cholesterol, Rubin and Brasco show how to take hold of the Seven Keys for Health and Wellness to prevent and even reverse high cholesterol. Yes, following these Seven Keys does involve lifestyle changes, but for people who are “eating like a pig, drinking like a fish, and smoking like a chimney; their health is seriously at risk, and they will benefit from the strategies in this book.

About the Authors:

Jordan Rubin is the author of the New York Times bestseller The Maker’s Diet with over 2 million copies in print. His story and his previous books have been featured on Good Morning America, NBC Nightly News, Fox and Friends, and Inside Edition, and in USA Today, Time, and Newsweek. Jordan also founded the Biblical Health Institute to empower the church to live the abundant life that glorifies God.

Joseph D. Brasco, M.D., who is board certified in internal medicine and gastroenterology, is in private practice in Indianapolis, Indiana. He has skillfully combined diet, supplementation, and judicious use of medications to provide a comprehensive and effective treatment program. Dr. Brasco is the coauthor of Restoring Your Digestive Health with Jordan Rubin.



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