The Message of Mark
The Bible Speaks Today Series
Author: Donald English
The fast-paced vitality of Mark’s narrative of Jesus wins the hearts of modern readers on its own terms. (No small achievement for a Greco-Roman biography of an ancient sage.) And like any great story, it unveils its meaning to those who listen attentively, who inquire patiently and who brood on its meaning and significance.
Donald English has lived with Mark’s story for a long time. He has now written a wise, welcoming and nontechnical guide to the narrative and the message of this smallest of the four Gospels. Whether gazing over the Evangelist’s shoulder, or taking the actor’s stance or adopting the audience’s perspective, he writes as one who loves and understands the story. And he writes as one who has a passion to help others appreciate Mark’s portrait of Jesus–Son of Man and Son of God.
Other Titles Available:
The Message of the Sermon on the Mount | The Message of Matthew |
The Message of Luke | The Message of John |
The Message of Acts | The Message of Romans |
The Message of 1 Corinthians | The Message of 2 Corinthians |
The Message of Galatians | The Message of Ephesians |
The Message of Philippians | The Message of Colossians & Philemon |
The Message of 1 & 2 Thessalonians | The Message of 1 Timothy & Titus |
The Message of 2 Timothy | The Message of Hebrews |
The Message of James | The Message of 1 Peter |
The Message of 2 Peter & Jude | The Message of John’s Letters |
The Message of Revelation | Set of all 22 titles |
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