What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an | White


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What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an | White
Author: James R. White

Learn What Islam Really Teaches, Straight From Its Sacred Text

Relying on the media and politicians to tell us what Muslims believe isn’t going to cut it. Christians need to be better informed, whether the goal is to understand global politics or to talk to a Muslim neighbor across the street.

Through fair and accurate use of the Qur’an and other documents, scholar and accomplished debater Dr. James White examines what Muslim sacred texts teach about Christ, salvation, the Trinity, the afterlife, and other crucial topics. This book provides the answers you’ve been looking for to engage in open, honest discussions about Islam with Muslims and others.


This book is magnificent! I believe this is the most thorough and comprehensive book written by an evangelical scholar on the Qur’an. Abdul Saleeb, coauthor of Answering Islam and The Dark Side of Islam

Dr. James White has written an immensely informative, carefully documented overview of Islam and the Qur’an–rich with fascinating historical, biblical, and theological analysis.  John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California

It is absolutely essential that Christians understand that Islam and Christianity represent two contradictory sets of truth claims. James White understands this, and in this important new book he sets out the issues of truth with distinction and clarity. Christians will welcome this book as they seek to understand the challenge of Islam.  Albert Mohler Jr., president, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

In this day when Christians face an “incorrigible plurality” of religious scriptures, Dr. White presents essential knowledge concerning the Qur’an. It comes with the added benefit of its contents having been honed in debate with Muslim scholars and laypeople. I highly recommend this book! Rev. Dr. Keith E. Small. London School of Theology, Author of Textual Criticism and Qur’an Manuscripts, Lexington Books, 2011

About the Author

James R. White is the author of several acclaimed books, including The God Who Justifies and The Forgotten Trinity. The director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, he is an accomplished debater of Muslim apologists and an elder of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. He and his family live in Phoenix, Arizona. Visit www.aomin.org

