Wind in the Wilderness | A Lenten Study From the Prophets


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Wind in the Wilderness | A Lenten Study From the Prophets

Author: DJ del Rosario

Living into God’s vision of justice

Though we cannot see the wind, we know it by its effects and interpret it by its results. The same can be said for the work of the Hebrew prophets, who communicated God’s vision of justice and faithfulness throughout the history of God’s people. As they spoke of this vision, the wind was moving, giving us a hint of Jesus who was to come. This study focuses on the Hebrew prophets and their message of justice, calling readers to turn their attention to issues of justice in today’s world. Each chapter explores a different prophet or prophets, highlighting how God’s word through them challenged the Israelite people—and us—to live out God’s vision of justice. These prophetic messages find their fulfillment in the life and ministry of Jesus, preparing the way for his teaching, healing, death, and resurrection. Readers will not merely study prophecies about Jesus, but will explore the continuity between the prophetic emphasis on justice and Jesus’ proclamation of the kingdom of God.

This Bible study is designed to be used by individuals and small groups during the season of Lent . Each chapter offers questions for reflection and discussion, a brief prayer, and a focus for the week. The weekly focus emerges from the chapter content and encourages the readers to engage a spiritual practice or do something specific that will help them grow in faith.


About the Author

DJ del Rosario is the pastor of Bothell United Methodist Church in Bothell, Washington. An ordained elder in the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference, DJ has served previously as associate pastor at Faith United Methodist Church and pastor of Lynden Faith United Methodist Church. He has also served as the Director of Young Adult Ministries, Discernment, and Enlistment at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, and as the Executive Director of DJ continues to serve on the Board of Directors for the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, relates to other regional and national boards and agencies, and chairs Strategic Recruitment for Pacific Northwest Annual Conference through the Board of Ordained Ministry. He has spoken, led, and preached at multiple events at the annual, jurisdictional, and General Conference levels. DJ met his best friend and wife in seminary, and they have three amazing daughters. DJ loves a great cup of coffee, social media, and technology.

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