Wondrous Love CD


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Wondrous Love CD

by: Marty Haugen

This collection will add new life to your celebration of Lent, Holy Week, Triduum, and the Easter Season.

Begin on Ash Wednesday with “Return to God” and continue through the Lenten season with “I Need You to Listen” and “Let Justice Roll Like a River.” Process on Palm Sunday with “Ride on Jesus, Ride.”

All three stations of the Triduum will be graciously linked together with “Wondrous Love” and the Vigil enhanced by “Song at the Empty Tomb.” “We Are God’s Work of Art” and “Come to the Feast” will enliven the great fifty days…plus, much more!


  1. Let Justice Roll Like a River – Marty Haugen, 4:51
  2. Return To God – Marty Haugen, 4:16
  3. The Lone Wild Bird – Marty Haugen, 5:49
  4. I Need You To Listen – Marty Haugen, 3:25
  5. We Are God’s Work of Art – Marty Haugen, 4:16
  6. Make Me An Instrument of Your Peace – Marty Haugen, 3:31
  7. Ride On, Jesus, Ride – Marty Haugen, 2:32
  8. How Long, O God? – Marty Haugen, 3:19
  9. Come To the Feast – Marty Haugen, 3:04
  10. Wondrous Love – Marty Haugen, 4:09
  11. Word That Formed Creation – Marty Haugen, 2:41
  12. Song At the Empty Tomb – Marty Haugen, 5:16

*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.