Bendecid al Señor CD


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Bendecid al Señor CD

by Taizé,

This is the first CD to be recorded in Taizé specifically for the Spanish-speaking public. Nearly all of the songs and solos are in one or other of the dialects of Spain. A much-needed addition to the range of recordings available from the beloved Taizé Community in France.


  1. Bendecid Al Senor (Benissez Le Seigneur) – Taizé, 3:53
  2. Ven, Espiritu De Dios (Tui Amoris) – Taizé, 4:43
  3. El Senyor – Taizé, 3:39
  4. Aleluya 17 – Taizé, 3:12
  5. Lectura Juan 14,27 – Taizé, 1:11
  6. Dios No Puede Mas Que Darnos Su Amor (Dieu Ne Peut Que Donner) – Taizé, 3:52
  7. Kyrie Eleison 19 – Taizé, 2:45
  8. Ubi Caritas Deus Ibi Est – Taizé, 3:48
  9. Padrenuestro – Taizé, 0:58
  10. Oracion Del Hermano Roger – Taizé, 0:41
  11. Jubilate, Aleluya – Taizé, 3:23
  12. Veni Lumen – Choral – Taizé, 3:40
  13. De Noche – Taizé, 5:09
  14. Jesus, Inclino La Cabeza – Taizé, 2:14
  15. Cristo Jesus (Jesus Le Christ) – Taizé, 4:03
  16. Magnificat – Choral – Taizé, 3:28
  17. Eskerrak Jaungoikoari (Confitemini Domino) – Taizé, 2:58
  18. En Ti Confi­o, Senor (Notre ame) – Taizé, 3:36
  19. Gloria A Dios (Gloria Deo) – Taizé, 1:56
  20. Nada Te Turbe – Taizé, 5:10

*Please note: Colors are only approximate and will vary with the settings of your monitor.