Songs 4 Worship: Hymns of the Ages – 2 CD


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Songs 4 Worship: Hymns of the Ages – 2 CD

Artist: Various Artists

Track Listings

Disc: 1

  1. New Doxology
  2. Joyful
  3. Holy Holy Holy
  4. 10,000 Reasons
  5. ‘Tis So Sweet [To Trust In Jesus]
  6. Savior, Like A Shepherd Lead Us
  7. In Christ Alone
  8. Great Is Thy Faithfulness
  9. My Jesus I Love Thee/I love You Jesus
  10. Lord Have Mercy

Disc: 2

  1. My Hope
  2. The Sound That Saved Us All
  3. How Deep The Father’s Love
  4. Boldly I Approach (The Art Of Celebration)
  5. Your Glory/Nothing But The Blood
  6. O The Blood
  7. Be Unto Your Name
  8. Before The Throne Of God Above
  9. When I Survey
  10. All I Have Is CHRIST
